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graphy-ng is a library for rendering directed graphs in Angular. Under the hood, Dagre is used as a layout engine and the graph is drawn using SVGs.

The library is compiled with Ivy and requires Angular 12+


Using npm:

$ npm i graphy-ng && npm i -D @types/d3-shape

Using yarn:

$ yarn add graphy-ng && yarn add -D @types/d3-shape

Basic usage#

Import GraphyModule into your feature module.

@NgModule({  imports: [GraphyModule],  ...})export class FamilyTreeModule {}

Consume graphy-ng in your component, providing templates for how nodes and edges should be rendered.

<p>Here's my pretty graph:</p><graphy-ng>  <ng-container *defsTemplate>    <svg:marker      id="arrow"      viewBox="0 -5 10 10"      refX="8"      refY="0"      markerWidth="4"      markerHeight="4"      orient="auto"    >      <svg:path d="M0,-5L10,0L0,5" />    </svg:marker>  </ng-container>
  <ng-container *nodeTemplate="let node; nodes: nodes">    <svg:circle cx="25" cy="25" r="25" />    <svg:text fill="blue" transform="translate(0 30)">{{ }}</svg:text>  </ng-container>
  <ng-container *edgeTemplate="let edge; edges: edges">    <svg:path marker-end="url(#arrow)" [attr.d]="edge.pathDefinition"></svg:path>  </ng-container></graphy-ng>
@Component({  ...})export class FamilyTreeComponent {  nodes: InputNode<{ name: string }>[] = [    { id: '1', data: { name: 'Carl' } },    { id: '2', data: { name: 'Robin' } },    { id: '3', data: { name: 'Jeremy' } },  ];
  edges: InputEdge[] = [    { sourceId: '1', targetId: '3', },    { sourceId: '2', targetId: '3', },  ];}

Comparison vs. ngx-graph#


  • Significantly more lightweight. Production bundle size of a fresh Angular app decreased from 490kb to 255kb by switching libraries (36% overall decrease in app size).
  • Input nodes and edges are not modified by the library.
  • Avoids requiring certain CSS classes to be hard-coded when using custom templates.
  • Full TypeScript support when using custom templates.


  • Lacks more advanced and niche features โ€” namely clusters, custom/force-directed layouts, and graph minimaps.


graphy-ng is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.